Put your group on this stage

Stage in front of USS Constellation - Baltimore

Put your group on this stage
Atlantic Stage Lighting
Lighting Design & Production
For All Types of
Theater & Special Events
PO Box 3266
Baltimore, Maryland 21228
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At Atlantic Stage Lighting, we are proud to illuminate your world.
Your support, illuminates ours for the future, and we are grateful for this.
We are here for you.
Presently during this pandemic, we are working remotely, and are available by phone 410-525-2525 and email atlanticstagelighting@gmail.com as usual.
In compliance with state regulations, our office is open only for essential needs.
Please call ahead. We will help you! Your safety and that of our team remain first.
We are following all CDC social distancing, hand washing, and sanitizing guidelines.
Some of our present projects are frozen in time right now. But… We will get through this unique challenge …
We are all in this together.
Wishing everyone health , safety & sending you bright light for the future.
Please contact us to reserve future event bookings!